Buy Cause and Effect Essay

A cause-and-effect essay explores how an event came into being, that is the cause, and what happens as a result of the events, that is the effect. Most students find difficulties writing their assignments before the deadlines due to a lack of adequate time. However, all hope is not lost. Our professional essay writers work […]

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A cause-and-effect essay explores how an event came into being, that is the cause, and what happens as a result of the events, that is the effect. Most students find difficulties writing their assignments before the deadlines due to a lack of adequate time. However, all hope is not lost. Our professional essay writers work diligently to provide students with guidance through all their assignment stages.

Cause and Effect Essay Format

The general format of a cause-and-effect essay is as below:

ü  The Introduction

In the introduction, you describe the situation you will explore in your essay. Include the thesis statement, where you indicate the main cause or effect of the situation.

ü  Body Or the Paragraphs – Causes

Begin with what you feel is the main cause of the situation, and give evidence to support your argument. Afterward, describe other paragraphs on the causes.

ü  Paragraphs On the Effects

Begin with the most significant effect and provide evidence to back up your claim.

ü  Conclusion

You put emphasis on the thesis statement and summarize your key points. Conversely, you can decide to begin with the effects than the causes depending on your side of the argument. Here at Acemyhomework Writers, we are aware and understand that each student deserves good grades and pass their course. In addition, we know the magnitude of pressure students face in the attempt to score the best grades for their assignments and cause-and-effect essay. Thus, as a student, you should worry no more, we are here to offer you the exceptional and best assignment help services at any point you will need help or feel overwhelmed or when you need an expert to handle your paper at an affordable price. The following sample focuses on a few causes and effects of student loan debt.

Cause and Effect Essay on Student Debt: Sample

·      The Introduction

The student loan problem is affecting several economies where the federal government offers loans for students to facilitate their college education. Several students have a significant amount of student debt. Subsequently, the defaulting rates are increasing each time. Furthermore, the techniques employed to collect the loan are faced with challenges, such as improper tactics of recovery and misinformation concerning the repayment options.

·      You Can Then Provide A Few Facts on A Student Loan.

Reports on student loans vary since the loan owed varies from student to student. It is unfortunate how some students drop out of college without their diploma, yet they have a student loan, that is, dept without a diploma. As a result, there exists a distortion on the statistics on defaults. There exists information asymmetry on student loan repayment techniques. Thus, they forgo current loan benefits. So much emphasis is put on the loan application and the entire process of getting the loan, whereas, very little information is provided regarding the repayment options and methods. Therefore, it is evident that the loan repayment reforms and inadequate.

·      Body On Causes

In this sample, we will mention only two causes, but you can include as many causes as possible. First, high tuition fees. Most students select their dream colleges regardless of their financial position—most of the best-known institutions of higher learning charge high tuition fees. Consequently, most students who land such opportunities do not hesitate to apply for a student loan to afford to stay in the institution.

Secondly, living expenses. Several college expenses require money. Basic necessities such as shampoo, toilet paper, toothpaste, refreshment products, and food require money to make living easy. Also, students need to go out with friends, have fun, and spend some time with their friends. Additionally, books make up the largest portion of the required necessities in college. However, most colleges do not provide books needed for some classes. Hence, students have to find ways to pay for such books on their own. As a result, students opt for loans to make all these possible.

·      Body On Effects

First, one is likely to forego grad school. Typically, undergraduate accumulates around $27,000 in student loans. Therefore, student loan debt can be a hindrance to attending graduate school. This is because students leave their undergraduate schools with a significant amount of student loan debt; thus, they cannot afford to acquire another significant amount of loans.

Secondly, you might not be able to buy a house. Statistics from Equifax in 2015 indicate that the main hindrance to purchasing a house is the existence of student loan debt. Furthermore, students with loan debts say that even when they are in a position to repay the loan monthly, channeling money toward their student loan can prohibit them from saving enough money for the minimum down payment needed by most lenders.

·      Conclusion

To conclude, college cost in the United States is slowly increasing. Although there are factors that make such increments an understandable reality, other factors stress the negative impact it possess on both the economy of the American people and the concerned students.

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